This comfort food by excellence, was sold from hole in the wall "restaurants", they cost a couple cents and some customers would bring their own egg to save a little money. (I will post a video soon)

2 c Water
2 c flour
Mix thoroughly the flour and water, to obtain a liquid yet opaque batter.
Heat your crepe machine or place a flat Teflon pan over boiling water
With a brush, paint the batter on the pan
Wait a couple minute for the wrapper to cook and separate from the pan
1/2 Onion
Chop Onion and Parsley together very thinly.
Salt generously. (salt will extract the water)
After they disgorged, rinse and squeeze all the remaining water out.
Heat frying oil to 365 degrees
Place a wrapper on a plate.
Form a circle in the middle with the onion parsley and tuna (you can add hot sauce)
Break an egg in the center
Fold the wrapper
Slide the Brik in the frying oil
Fry on both sides until golden brown